Wednesday, November 8, 2006

The lab results are in

11/8: Per the lab tests at Oak Barrel, initial pH = 3.95, and acid = 0.61. The must needs 10 ounces of tartaric acid to bring up the total acidity. Mixed acid into water, divided into 4 parts, stirred into must. This should lower pH to about 3.825, and bring the acid up to 0.71. Which, I am assured, is good.

Here's a closeup of a cluster of representative grapes:

Must temperature at 6pm = 68 degrees.

Then added 3 packets (15 mg) of Pasteur Red yeast into each fermenter, plus 2 oz total of yeast nutrients. (I rehydrated the yeast in warm water for 30 minutes before adding to fermenter).

Mixed up a sterilizing solution: 1/4 teaspoon of potassium meta sulfide + 2 teaspoons of citric acid, mixed into 1 liter of water, in a spray bottle. Use to keep thermometer, hydrometer, etc. clean before allowing contact with must.

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